How do I break the ice with the first post on my new blog?

Well, rather than dive into a tedious personal history or jump straight into some complicated deep dive into how to migrate from Proxmox to XCP-ng, let me start with this:

Curved-sky bridge at the Lamson and Goodnow mill in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, photo taken January 7, 2023, by David Leitko

This was the favorite photo I took in 2023.

This curved sky-bridge is part of The Mill in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts. Originally built by Lamson & Goodnow Cutlery in the mid-19th century, the buildings have been restored and currently house various artists and makers. Lamson & Goodnow, established in 1837, is the oldest cutlery manufacturer in the United States, and they still have a presence at this site. It’s a beautiful location right below the falls and glacial potholes along the Deerfield River. In fact, the entire complex is 100% powered by hydro-electricity.

I love how this structure interconnects two buildings that are not directly next to each other. In fact, they are at different elevations. Imagine the storms and winters those old boards and windows have weathered over more than 100 years! Who has looked out through those windows? What were they doing and thinking? What did they see?

It would be a dream-come-true to have shop space in a place like this with so much history, heritage, and beauty.
