I’m just one person trying to share my experiences with like-minded individuals. Content and techniques presented on this website are for educational and informational purposes only.

I consider this site a platform for learning in public. My posts may contain errors, omissions, or be otherwise incomplete. Or they may not work in your environment. My equipment, systems, and configurations may be different from what you have. There are often many ways to solve a challenge, and what I share here are things that have worked for me.

Before implementing anything from this site please apply your own judgement, common sense, and analytical skills. When it comes to making & woodworking, many shop tools are dangerous even if you know how to use them! Please follow the instructions provided with your tools and review best safety practices before doing anything in your own shop. I am not liable for any damages, injuries, losses, or expenses that may arise from use of the content posted to this website.

Feel free to reach out to me using one of the methods in the footer below to provide any feedback or insights you might want to share.
