Privacy – especially online privacy – is very important to me. Therefore, simply put, I completely respect your expectation of privacy. My website does not and will not collect any data or use any third party tracking functionality. I don’t monitor server logs, or track page visits. As this site is hosted by, please feel free to review their privacy policy, as well -- specifically, the section on hosted blogs.

You will never see an ad on this site, and I don’t use affiliate links. Any products or services I mention here are things I use or recommend and I receive no financial benefit by discussing or linking to them. I do have a completely voluntary “tip” link to on my About page. Feel free to ignore it. I may occasionally reference or provide links to charitable organizations. I receive no benefit from doing so. Feel free to ignore those, as well.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me using one of the methods in the footer below.